Societal expectations of men
Society glorifies the power of men over women and it makes sure it is obeyed as even women expect that ‘macho’ standard of men.
This in turn creates the tendency to box in years of hurt, anger and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in, which sometimes degenerates into addiction or mental health issues.
Men are also victims of sexual harassment
That narrative has also created a near widely acceptable reality with the average Nigerian community that only women can be harassed sexually, or even raped.
That, dear readers, is hogwash. If female victims find it hard to tell their stories, make victims are 10 times more averse to telling their abuse stories, they would rather act out or box it in for fear of being judged by a society that set standards for them.
On Monday, September 3, 2018, a thread by the a virtuous and large of heart by viral reputation, Olashile Abayomi, who - tweets @FireOFola - asked men to share their abuse, molestation, sexual harassment and unfair treatment stories surfaced on TwitterNG. It's safe to say even she has been blown away by responses.
What ensued was an unexpected storm of anonymous confessions from men. We hear of a sexual harassment by mothers, others my custodians and others by random women in this same Nigeria.
Follow the touching stories thus;
The thread is still doing rounds. Pulse will update as necessary.