In an interview with Premier Boxing Champions, Wilder explained that he has taken time to relax and explore other things other than boxing.“At this point in time, I’m jumping into other passions that I wanted to do in my life and I’m enjoying my life so much. It’s just amazing. I take pride in being a king and doing king things.” Wilder said.
Standing at 6ft 7 inches Wilder is a hard-hitting giant of a boxer capable of show stopping knockouts with his dreaded left hook. The man fondly dubbed the ‘Bronze bomber’ still boasts a formidable boxing record with 41 of his 42 wins coming by knockout and he knows his stock is still in high demand.
“When you have a strong, outspoken heavyweight like myself, boxing is beautiful. When you have an exciting heavyweight, boxing thrives. This is what people are witnessing right now.
“When you don’t have that heavyweight any more, things start to die down. I’ve had people reach out to me and say, ‘The divisions are not the same. We need our champ back. Boxing is boring without him,'” Wilder said.
Who's next?
Wilder has a nearly flawless record in the ring, of his 45 fights only four did not end in the former WBC champion flooring his opponent and of those, three of those fights were against Tyson Fury.
While many feel Widler is finished, that is far from the case as he could easily come back and take on a host of names including, Anthony Joshua, Andy Ruiz Jr, and most especially british boxer Dillian Whyte, who has been looking to fight the Bronze bomber.
With no return date confirmed yet, we continue to wait for the return of one of the most entertaining fighters in the sport.