It is now the end of the road for a 34-year-old man from Pumula country who has one of the longest running criminal records in Zimbabwe, Vusumuzi Sibanda, as he has been sentenced to 97 years in jail.
According to the Chronicle, Sibanda, a father of three, has been dubbed 'every woman's nightmare' for his numerous rape, robbery and other sundry crimes. He was convicted of more than 15 count charges when he before three different courts at Tredgold in Bulawayo.
Sibanda allegedly committed most of his rape crimes in Kingsdale, North End, Pumula and Paddonhurst.
Among the four victims he raped and robbed in Kingsdale, one was a school pupil, another a heavily pregnant woman and the other fled naked through a bedroom window to seek refuge.
The fourth victim, aged 39, was brave enough to give chase after Sibanda, who after robbing her, undressed her and conducted a 'vagina inspection' but did not rape her.
Sentencing Sibanda, senior regional magistrate Mark Dzira condemned the criminal as ruthless beyond redemption.
"It’s common cause that you appeared in different courts facing the same charges, aggravated crimes committed on women, some married.
You’re therefore sentenced to There’s nothing as degrading for a man as having someone rape your wife or daughter.
You also used an okapi knife in all these instances which proves the actual intent and thus the court can’t tolerate such."
Dzira said since Sibanda was sentenced to 19 effective years in another regional court, only 15 of the 78 years would run concurrently.